Hi - I recently lost my mother and my son would like to read a poem at her funeral. We want it to be fairly light-hearted and ideally reflect what she enjoyed a great deal - which was BINGO! Do you have any poems that would fit this?
(We are very saddened to hear of your loss. Michael has composed this poem -very quickly- for your son.)
My grandma's playing Bingo in heaven
With a happy smile on her face
If she'd known there was a Bingo hall in heaven
She'd have looked more forward to the place
Past 78 and heaven's gate
It's 83 and time for tea
With 61 and a baker's bun
And no queue for the lavatory
After 41 and time for fun
She's won with 54 and wiped the floor
I really do thank my lucky stars
My grandma landed in heaven instead of on mars
Michael Ashby
Hi Michael
I have just picked up your emails and wanted to thank you very much for doing this. However, I also asked my wife to write a poem, which is what we used at my mum's funeral yesterday. I have attached the poem for you to post on your website if you wish to use it.
Once again, many thanks.
Number’s Up
by Rebecca Spilsbury
I loved going to bingo
And seeing all my chums
I’d listen out for numbers
Hoping they would be the ones
A line, a house would pass me by
The frustration could make a grown man cry!
But I was patient and not het up
Eyes looking down, ears pricked like a pup
I’d calmly wait to hear the call
The call that says this is the ball
BINGO, I shout, it’s my time
I finally got to complete that line!
I’ve been a daughter, mum, nan and wife
I had a ball and enjoyed my life
It’s just that when I heard the call
The call had my number on the ball.
David Spilsbury
At the Thanksgiving Service in memory of Damian D'Oliveira, Worcestershire County Cricket Club's "current President and former player John Elliott read the moving Michael Ashby poem A Cricketer's Last Boundary ".
"Damian, a Worcestershire player for 13 years from 1982-1995 and then Academy Director from 2000 onwards, passed away... after a long and brave battle against cancer."
"Over 600 people crowded into.... the funeral of Jeremy Suter the young teacher from Dr.Challoner's Grammar School who died from a brain tumor .... aged 23." "Jeremy's sister Vicky, read a poem "The Cricketer's Last Boundary ".
Jeremy was 1st XI wicket-keeper/batsman at Beaconsfield Cricket Club .
"A CRICKETER'S LAST BOUNDARY" Weeping willows formed an honour guard....
Thank you for sharing my poem "A BROTHER AND A BUTTERFLY" on this wonderful site. I enjoy reading the poems and finding peace. With all the trouble, sadness and uncertainty in the world it is wonderful to have a "go to" page to read the musings of like souls. God bless you for doing the work you do and for helping others have a place of release, a mental retreat to ease the pain of losing a loved one.
Joy & God's blessings!
Suzanne Simonovich
Hi, my cousin was killed in a car crash 30 years ago in june. He was only 18, I am trying to organise the mass for this years anniversary. As you can imagine we were all so upset at the time that none of us did any readings on the day. Now 30 years later we would like this mass to be a tribute to his life and want to try to get the younger kids at the mass to see that even though we still hurt we live on. Could you please maybe help me with some poems and a suitable reading.
( We suggest you might consider the following:
RAINBOWS ON THE MOON poem, because the last line of the first three verses is " Since I passed away too soon ". Four people reading alternate lines of this poem is very powerful... especially with the fourth person standing next to the memorial photograph. This poem combines beautifully with the Eskimo Proverb...
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy"
For the younger kids... THE SHIP "She is gone." Gone!, Where, Gone from my sight that is all... and
I AM NOT GONE poem... "I am not gone, While you remember with me" )
Michael, thank you so much for the fabulous poems.
Beverly Daly
Do you have any suitable poems / prayers / short comments for the funeral of a keen racegoer who has just died aged 85? His regular courses were Wincanton and Cheltenham and TV. Many thanks.
I'm off to the races in heaven
In fact, I'm champing at the bit
At the prospect of wagering that Arkle
Will give Desert Orchid the slip
Satellite TV's a safe bet to view
The next Cheltenham Gold Cup
From my new, free 'Hi-Lux Chalet'
I'll be wishing you the best of luck
I've given life a good run for its money
But it's time to say 'Cheerio' for now... old sports
I'm looking forward to catching up with you all again... one day
Over a glass of your favourite champagne or port
Michael Ashby)
James Joicey-Cecil
Thank you for allowing us to share your poem (I Am Not Gone) on our complementary website. This and the mention we made of your web address may be of benefit and bring comfort to other followers of AU. Your poem was brought to us by a member who found some solace in your verse... and is posted " in remembrance of his dearly loved wife...".
Alan Carter at astralunity.com
My mother died recently. She was ALWAYS making cups of tea, M&S Gold Blend English Breakfast, which she never finished. At her funeral, your lovely, very apt poem was read out by our son. It brought much comfort to those of us listening who knew her. Thank you.
( âA LONG CUP OF TEAâ poem )Sue H.
I do hope grandadhas tidied the place
And got it ready for you
Not forgetting to make it all cosy
And to have a welcoming brew
I can imagine the smile on your faces
At meeting again at last
Those long days and nights of separation
Are now truly in the past
This poem is from me, to share my love for you both
With all our family and friends
But what gladdens me most, travelling down memory lane
Is that you'll both never, walk alone, again
Michael Ashby
(This funeral poem for Nan and Grandad was written in response to a private message received through this website. This poem is dedicated to "NIN AND GRANDAD".)
Michael Ashby
Hi - I recently lost my mother and my son would like to read a poem at her funeral. We want it to be fairly light-hearted and ideally reflect what she enjoyed a great deal - which was BINGO! Do you have any poems that would fit this?
(We are very saddened to hear of your loss. Michael has composed this poem -very quickly- for your son.)
My grandma's playing Bingo in heaven
With a happy smile on her face
If she'd known there was a Bingo hall in heaven
She'd have looked more forward to the place
Past 78 and heaven's gate
It's 83 and time for tea
With 61 and a baker's bun
And no queue for the lavatory
After 41 and time for fun
She's won with 54 and wiped the floor
I really do thank my lucky stars
My grandma landed in heaven instead of on mars
Michael Ashby
Hi Michael
Number’s Up
by Rebecca Spilsbury
I loved going to bingo
And seeing all my chums
I’d listen out for numbers
Hoping they would be the ones
A line, a house would pass me by
The frustration could make a grown man cry!
But I was patient and not het up
Eyes looking down, ears pricked like a pup
I’d calmly wait to hear the call
The call that says this is the ball
BINGO, I shout, it’s my time
I finally got to complete that line!
I’ve been a daughter, mum, nan and wife
I had a ball and enjoyed my life
It’s just that when I heard the call
The call had my number on the ball.
David Spilsbury
I found your poem 'A long cup of Tea' on your website and thought it might do rather well as part of my eulogy for my best Friend who passed away at the end of November 2012.
As it was to be read out in church, I changed a few words and amended the last half to make it personal to him. I know I should have asked you first, but I'm sorry I've been in a bit of a mess whilst organising the funeral.
That has now past and the the poem went down rather well. I would really like to have your blessing, even if retrospectively.
My friend would go around to his mothers’ flat every week day, when he wasn’t working and sit with her watching afternoon quiz shows on TV with a nice cup of tea. I especially wanted to explain this as some of his friends thought he was a bit of a drinker, actually he liked his tea.
A Long Cup Of Tea
Death is too negative for me
I’d rather say I'll be popping off
For a long cup of tea
Do splash out
On two bags in the pot
And for goodness sake
Keep the water hot
Please pick the biggest mug
You can find
Because size really does matter
At this time
I'll pass on the Lapsang
With that Souchong
And stick with my favourite friend
You know the English breakfast blend
Milk and two sugars if you please
Of course you know that, I only tease
Give me the paper, I’ll leave you the crossword
Just make sure my cuppa’s properly stirred
I’ll put on countdown and we’ll play along
And don’t forget I like it strong
It’s not the same without Richard Whitley
But I’ll tell you what, I like Rachel Riley
Oh well, I suppose now it’s time
So, mother, put the kettle on
I’m coming for mine
Michael Ashby & Richard Peabody
(We are very moved that you were able to personalise our poem for the remembrance of your best Friend.)
Richard Peabody
I have read through a couple of poems the cup of tea and the mobile phone and found them uplifting... i only started trying to write 2 years ago after a loss which affected me greatly and this is a breath of fresh air...tyvm
Hello, can I use your poem "A Long Cup of Tea" for my Death Cafe on 2nd November...not sure how I'll use it, may even put it on my flyer.
(You are very welcome to use our poem "A Long Cup Of Tea" at Bristol’s First Death Café on 2nd November 2012 at 40 Alfred Place, Kingsdown, BS2 8DH 2.00 – 4.30pm. Paula & Simon of Heaven on Earth Green Bespoke Funerals are holding a Death Café to coincide with the Mexican Day of the Dead.)
Paula Rainey Crofts
We’ve written a play about two sisters: one has just died though appears as one of the two characters in the play. She has left a letter of instructions for her sister about funeral arrangements, including asking her to read a poem. The sister considers various options then chooses your ‘A long cup of tea’. We’re members of a small amateur theatre group (see www.theatresomeone.com) and will only perform the play in amateur settings, but we’d like to be sure you wouldn’t mind us using the poem. We’d acknowledge it as your work and put your website address in the programme. Is this OK?
(This is definitely OK, and we wish you success with your work.)
Dear Mr Ashby,
You were kind enough to give us permission last year to use your poem 'A long cup of tea' in our play.
It occurred to us that you might like to see the script (attached).
Best wishes,
Susan and Lesley
PS We're taking the play to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this August
August 15th & 16th 2013 Edinburgh Festival Fringe
A Poem for My Sister at 4:00pm and
The Devil and Billy Markham at 8:00pm
Robert-Louis Stevenson Room, OverSeas House, 100 Princes St, Edinburgh
Tickets £10 (£8) are on sale at the Fringe Box Office or pay at the door on the evening.
(Congratulations on your sensitive, poignant, authentic, moving, humorous
and uplifting play and it's recent performances in Ferney-Voltaire and Geneva.)
Susan Leather and Lesley Sherwood
"Rainbows On The Moon"
I loved the poem Rainbows on the Moon and would love to know where to buy your ebook of poems Keep up the great writing.
(Other poems by Michael Ashby can be found at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/151862497 in Paperback, Kindle & Audiobook)
Julie Budge - Australia
"I Am Not Gone"I hope I've done justice to the powerful simplicty and tender love of your words.
Tony Osborne - Composer
“Sun Arise”I like this poem. I was on line searching for an American Indian poem regarding death for my friend Bob to read at his mom’s funeral who loved the American Indians. As I write this she’s still alive, but will be gone in a few days.
Betsy Pellitteri
You are truly gifted in what you do god bless you for allowing your self to be used as an instrument to minister to the broken hearted.
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